
Od pondelka začne platiť COVID automat

Od pondelka začne platiť COVID automat

Bratislava (TASR) - Od pondelka 8. februára začne platiť na Slovensku COVID automat. Vládny kabinet zároveň prijal uznesenie, ktorým sa má od pondelka zásadne zmeniť prístup k riadeniu rôznych protipandemických opatrení.

Traveling with Pets from the UK to the EU

Traveling with Pets from the UK to the EU

The Brexit transition period has ended and new rules on pet travel now apply. From January 1, 2021 pet passports will no longer be valid. The EU has agreed that Great Britain should be given “part two listed” status, allowing pets to travel within its borders providing the owners to obtain an animal health certificate